The last major church renovation was in 1967. As we look to the future, we must address the needs of an aging building. Our worship space is sacred. It is where we are fed and nourished, consoled and challenged. Along with much-needed maintenance work, we have an opportunity to enhance the sanctuary space to create a worship experience that evangelizes through its beauty and function for the generations that follow us.
In addition to renovating the infrastructure, the corners of the transepts will be opened to improve sightlines to the altar and to each other, as well as adding nearly 100 more seats. The beautiful arch around the front doors of the church, made of original Cockeysville stone, will harmonize with an arch made of the same stone framing Jesus on the cross, in the center of the sanctuary. The statues of St. Joseph and Jesus Divine Mercy will be moved to the walls of the new transepts with kneelers and votive candles for private prayer.
Major systems: Obsolete HVAC, sound and lighting systems, have been tended to with care, but they are 60 years old and need replacement.
Functional needs of the main church: Improve circulation, energy efficiency, seating capacity; meet building codes for restrooms and ADA accessibility. We also need better spaces for gathering and must address energy efficiency and environmental questions.
Music: A flexible music space designed for our large and varied music ministry with enhanced acoustics is needed, along with a new pipe organ to replace the aged digital organ.
We want to experience the presence of God in the liturgy and in the church building. By brightening the church, raising the height of the ceiling, and installing a beautiful dome with the Holy Spirit at its center, we will not only improve acoustics, but we will visually lift the hearts and prayers of the congregation heavenward. New finishes and sanctuary furnishings will create a sense of sacred beauty to foster inspiration and be a place where people can let go of the distractions and stress of a busy, secular world to encounter the presence of God.
We want to embrace all our brothers and sisters, no matter where they are in life’s journey. Our space should be accessible to all. Upgrades to the Children’s Loft will make it soundproof and easier for families with little ones to worship fully. We plan to expand the front vestibule by 30% and install a bride’s parlor to improve the experience of weddings. Up-to-date and more spacious bathrooms will bring us up to code, and entrances to the interior will be totally accessible for those with mobility issues, wheelchairs, and walkers.
We want to create an environment that speaks to generations to come. Our church should be energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Beneath the classic design will be an infrastructure that supports the latest technology for livestreaming as well as future technology needs.
Join us as we create a space that inspires us to encounter Christ and sends us out into our world as witnesses more fully.
God of grace and glory, you lead us day by day, providing for what we truly need, and we praise you and offer our thanks for your saving power at work in us. In Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin and Guardian of the Redeemer, you give us an example of faith, courage, and perseverance. Through his intercession, give success to this work of our hands that our parish may be an ever brighter beacon of faith, worship, and witness in our community.
May we open wide the doors of our hearts to Jesus Christ so that those we meet today, tomorrow, and in the years to come will see in us the fruits of your Holy Spirit and join us on the path of holiness toward your Kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
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